Fr John Zuhlsdorf celebrated our 7am Traditional Latin Mass at Holy Redeemer Church. He sings simply beautifully and his homily was good. I thought some would want to see pictures from the reception after Mass. He is a very friendly great priest. Yes of course there was Mystic Monk Coffee, three varieties!
Fr Z will next celebrate Mass here on Dec 23rd. [removed here some INACCURATE information for which I apologize to all]
He comments that his birdfeeder at his new location does not get the spectacular array of visitors that he used to get–many chickadees, not a lot else. However, he shows every sign of being a happy priest.

Fr Z with Nuns on the Bus sticker! Remember this?
[Update: some of the good guidance he gave at the start of his homily: Prepare for Advent, which is more about the Second Coming and the end of the world than it is about the first coming of Jesus: go to confession. Do works of charity for the needy. We must do penance. Give alms. We should fast (yes!). Between now and next Sunday, open your Bible every day to the chapters in Luke (12-19? or so?) where Jesus is telling parables, and read some of that each day and reflect on your life and your own conversion.]
Ha! That is a great picture of Father with the Nuns on the Bus sticker. I’m sure it can be easily covered up with one of his “We love our Bishop” stickers.
His preaching was excellent, and his singing even better than I was expecting. He is indeed very friendly: down-to-earth yet incredibly knowledgeable. I am certainly pleased to have the good Father around here now!
PermalinkYes, great comment!
PermalinkWhat is the piece of paper underneath the good father’s foot? Is that the nun on the bus sticker? Glad to see he is getting around to preach the Good News of the TLM. He does have a good voice. I used to live in Madison, the city where people walk around with chips on their shoulder, so I am very happy to see this group-the remnant.
PermalinkSupertradmum, Fr Z is now president of the Tridentine Mass Society of Madison (or Traditional Mass Society of Madison as he himself made a point of saying), having been nominated for that post by Bishop Morlino and duly elected.
No that’s not the Nuns on the Bus sticker, which is in his pocket!
Bishop Morlino has done wonders and there is a pretty healthy “remnant” of faithful Catholics here in the middle of Madison, and there are many more also fine and faithful who are Novus Ordo goers. I am hopeful that Fr Z’s involvement may contribute to strengthening the vitality of the TLM community here.
PermalinkWonderful! Bishop Morlino told my son to be a priest….and son in the seminary had this as one of several encouragements….from phone. When we lived in Middleton, outside of the SSPX, we could not find any trads. Please pray for my agnostic brother who has lived in Stoughton for about 25 years and works at the Ring. Ta. from Eire….