Snow day scenes

Happy Feast of the Holy Innocents!

At the young adult group "Spirit and Truth" at the Cathedral Parish, one time the icebreaker question was "what's your pet peeve?" Monsignor Holmes' response was "when the neighbors' chickens get in my backyard." That's Holy Redeemer Church over on the right. The green thing is their coop.

Pretty house at W Gilman and Henry Street in the snow

Holy Redeemer Church and rectory in snow

I was standing in front of Holy Redeemer Church during the Dec 20 “snowpocalypse” when I heard a big rumble just like a snowplow and turned to see a dramatic fall of snow from the roof of Holy Redeemer School. I didn’t quite catch the action with my camera. A moment before that fence had been straight and lined up. Remember the plastic sheeting covering the damaged roof? Monsignor Holmes knew this would happen and that’s why that fence went up just a few days before.


Though yesterday I managed to break my camera’s viewscreen so now it only shows me 1/3 of what I am taking a picture of, nevertheless I took some more during today’s gentler snowfall:

Comfy, comfy benches in Period Garden Park


Lake Mendota, not yet frozen

4 Responses to Snow day scenes

  1. Excellent photos, Elizabeth. Keep up the great work! Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!

    • Thanks, Jeanne! Merry and blessed all the time to you and yours!

  2. Elizabeth, you have a great eye for photography! Do you use a cell phone camera?

    • Thank you. No, I don’t have a cell phone. It is an inexpensive (and now broken) Nikon camera that never rings at inopportune times! I have no photography skills or special interest, just having fun. Now I need to decide whether to try to get a new camera or keep using it with the mostly-broken viewscreen.


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