Dawn Eden to speak at Theology on Tap in Madison

Dawn Eden in Rome with her bookI just saw that author, chastity speaker, and blogger, and exciting June Theology on Tap presenter, Dawn Eden, was on Fox News Live recently discussing her new book , My Peace I Give You, Healing Sexual Wounds With the Help of the Saints. Watch her on Fox News Live at this link.

It was out of the desire to help others find healing that I wrote My Peace I Give You, the first book of Catholic spirituality for adult victims of childhood sexual abuse. It is not easy for survivors to find resources for healing, and even harder to find ones that support them in their faith. When help is offered to them, it is typically psychotherapy. Some people may indeed benefit from professional help, but not everyone. On the other hand, all who have seen evil up close need the comfort and strength that can come only from knowing their loving Father in Heaven.

That is why the witness of the saints is so important. Every saint’s life is a complete story, and every one of their stories ends in the joy of life with Christ, in the bosom of the Father. We can see divine providence in their sufferings, because we know that God permitted the evils in their lives not because He willed that they should receive pain, but because He wished them to bear a greater likeness to His wounded Son. In the words of the English poet Edward Shillito, “To our wounds, only God’s wounds can speak.”  [from her blog]

I’ve been paying attention to Dawn online for some time, where her work has received a good deal of interest and comment from people I respect. I am convinced she just  “gets it” both humanly and theologically, and what she says is faithful and valuable. I have her new book in hand and have every expectation that it will be personally helpful to me. Dawn’s master’s thesis about bringing catechesis on the Theology of the Body in line with a hermeneutic of continuity, is available online, and provides a valuable critique of Christopher West’s approach which seems to  sexualize everything.

Dawn’s website says her Theology on Tap appearance will be June 28th, but the location has not yet been announced. I was told by Nicole at the Cathedral Parish the title will be: The Love that Transforms:  Healing Sexual Wounds Through Christ & the Saints. This event is open to all 20 and 30something young adults, married or single, Catholic or not, beer drinker or not… I am not. It is held at a local bar (not always the same one), there is a great Catholic speaker and attendees can have a free beer. Contact Nicole Carter 257-5000 nicole@isthmuscatholic.org and she can answer questions or sign you up for the Cathedral Parish 20s & 3os ministry emails that will keep you informed. I highly recommend signing up for that if you are in Madison and in that age group (I am 33).

Another video of Dawn, interviewed by LifeSiteNews:
I am delighted the Cathedral Parish has invited Dawn and really looking forward to hearing her talk and meeting her.

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