Posts filed under Vinnie's Lockers

The malice of the psychologists

I’ve talked many times on my blog about my volunteer job with the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul homeless program Vinnie’s Lockers. The people who come to us have all manner of troubles and ailments. Some are obvious, some non obvious. “William” first joined a couple years ago, with an unavoidably obvious one. He… (read more)

Action Alert: Pornographic Sacrilege and anti-Catholicism in The Onion

The Onion satirical newspaper had a sacrilegious, anti-Catholic, pornographic headline? You don’t say? Not exactly a man-bites-dog story is it? I’m not laughing, and after seeing the latest horrendous headline (which was VERY FAR from being the first such) I decided today to get up and do something. I also prayed, particularly at Mass this… (read more)