Archive for January 2013

Moving Day for Pregnancy Helpline

  This morning I noticed Pregnancy Helpline was packing up their things in a truck. This is a wonderful organization for people in need because of a pregnancy, which had their “Sharing Center” in the Holy Redeemer School Building. I spoke to two women Pregnancy Helpline volunteers who said they’re very happy the school building… (read more)

The Labyrinth: walking toward Christ… then away

Via the great Badger Catholic Blog, the facebook comments of apologist Karl Keating on the conspicuous Sinsinawa Dominican infatuation with labyrinths: Just when you think the New Age movement has faded into 1980s oblivion, you learn something like this.The Sinsinawa Dominicans is a women’s order located in southwest Wisconsin, just across the Mississippi River from… (read more)

Valley of Our Lady Cistercian Monastery

For today’s Feast of St Anthony of the Desert (aka St Anthony, Abbot or St Anthony the Great), and because the primary focus of this blog is how Madison is rejoicing in Jesus Christ, I wanted to show you a really wonderful religious community in our diocese: the nuns of Valley of Our Lady Cistercian… (read more)

“Band of Sisters” documentary about liberal women religious premiers at Sinsinawa Mound

I and a friend attended a Sunday, Jan 13, 2013 premier showing of the new documentary film about liberal religious sisters, Band of Sisters at Sinsinawa Mound, the motherhouse of the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters. The film centers on some liberal women religious who are former heads of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, NETWORK progressive… (read more)

Roe v Wade anniversary Rosary Rally at the Capitol

Today about 100 Pro Life Wisconsin supporters gathered on the State Street Steps of the WI Capitol, commemorating the sorrowful 40th anniversary of the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that has resulted in well over 50 million abortions in the US since that time. You can view more lovely pictures of this event, even… (read more)

Religion reporter Doug Erickson’s 2012 Word of the Year: Indifferentism

Now, when the Diocese of Madison tweets a Wisconsin State Journal Article and posts it to facebook, that’s a pretty good kudos. Doesn’t happen real often, but today they posted religion reporter Doug Erickson’s good article highlighting and explaining the Catholic term “religious indifferentism”. The end of 2012 brought with it lists of words and… (read more)

Action Alert: Pornographic Sacrilege and anti-Catholicism in The Onion

The Onion satirical newspaper had a sacrilegious, anti-Catholic, pornographic headline? You don’t say? Not exactly a man-bites-dog story is it? I’m not laughing, and after seeing the latest horrendous headline (which was VERY FAR from being the first such) I decided today to get up and do something. I also prayed, particularly at Mass this… (read more)