Posts filed under St Mary of Pine Bluff

The Catholic Disneyland that is St Mary’s in Pine Bluff

[The following post is by Ben Yanke from his excellent blog and reproduced here in its entirety, with his kind permission, because I liked it so much. He is not a parishioner of St Mary’s by the way!] I have to say, St. Mary’s in Pine Bluff is the Catholic Disneyland of the Diocese of… (read more)

Events for Men in Madison

I’m a woman. But there are several great Catholic men’s events coming up in Madison, and we all benefit when men go to faithful Catholic things like these. Fortes in Fide Men’s Retreat with Fr Z and reknowned apologist Raymond de Souza Feb 22-23, 2013 Wow. What an AMAZING retreat, right at the Bishop O’Connor… (read more)