Posts filed under Religious Freedom

The Rosary Rally in the newspaper, a Beatitudes-type blessing from the Freedom From Religion Foundation

The Wisconsin State Journal ran two articles by religion reporter Doug Erickson in yesterday’s Sunday edition, one on the Capitol Rosary Rally and one on Bishop Morlino’s defense of Paul Ryan as someone with a faithful understanding of Catholic social teaching. I was interviewed August 29th and my photo accompanies the Paul Ryan article in… (read more)

The Inspiring Rosary Rally Video: Please Pray the Rosary for Life, Family and the Salvation of the World at YOUR State Capitol

These Rosary Rallies are EVERY THURSDAY at the Wisconsin State Capitol, 7pm at the State Street Steps! It’s powerful, do not miss it! People are raving about this inspiring video that captures the Capitol Rosary Rally and its purpose. Bishop Morlino’s remarks at the first Rally are included. There is also the great, faith strengthening… (read more)

Soros-funded “Faith in Public Life” handling PR for “Nuns on the Bus”

After going to see the Nuns on the Bus in Janesville, WI, I found on facebook a video the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters had recorded of Sr Simone Campbell earlier the same day, in which Sr Simone described candidly that “we asked for help in DC, and our colleagues, all the big players, they came together… (read more)

On the health care act, the bus nuns, and the wisdom of subsidiarity

Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act surprised me–and upset me a good deal. The bishops immediately called (again) for Congress to fix the problems with the law that infringe our religious liberty, though making clear they had never joined in “efforts to repeal the law in its entirety”. But neither did they… (read more)

Capitol Rosary Rally kicks off the Fortnight for Freedom

Bishop Morlino joined what looked to me about 500 Madison Catholics last night for the first in a series of Capitol Rosary Rallies. A beautiful evening. The bishop spoke very briefly, explaining what we were doing was entirely not political. Fr Isaac Mary Relyea then led us in 15 decades of the Rosary, the traditional… (read more)

Nuns on the Bus visit Sinsinawa and Janesville

Recently the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a long awaited doctrinal assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, an official Church organization consisting of the leaders of most (but not all) of the communities of active religious sisters in the United States. One point of concern was the association of the… (read more)

Madison’s June 8th Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally!

Our Stand Up For Religious Freedom Rally was  a great success, with stirring speakers and head count of 300 attendees! I believe and hope that everyone who attended was encouraged and formed by the experience–one of the organizers said afterward “I see the event as an opportunity to inspire/train the spiritual warriors attending”. Rally Captain… (read more)

Viva Cristo Rey!

I have neglected my blog for too long a while, but I cannot fail to post quickly about this terrific, beautifully made, and very Catholic film. It is in Madison at Eastgate Cinema, possibly for only a short time. See it NOW.

Twelve Things Everyone Should Know About the “Contraceptive Mandate”

This very helpful summary of things to know is lifted directly from the USCCB, and was written by their Secretariat for Pro Life Activities. On February 15, 2012 the Obama Administration published a final rule mandating contraception and sterilization coverage in almost all private health plans nationwide, with an extremely narrow “exemption” for some religious… (read more)

Again, a vicious anti-Catholic ad from Madison’s Freedom From Religion Foundation

[Here’s a note that can introduce this well. A friend wrote to me: “I’ve seen that and it’s not even worth validating it by giving it attention. It’s just ridiculous.” I said: You’re right, but I think people should know just what kind of organization this is since it is right here. They do all… (read more)